Option Development Appraisal (ODA) is where we worked with stakeholders to identify appropriate solutions to address the risks we predicted in the BRAVA stage. 


During this stage we considered a range of options, starting from a long list of generic options and screening until we had a shortlist of feasible options for that risk at that location. Following this we have suggested a range of solution options, from customer engagement to increasing capacity, from sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) to creating wetland habitats. Additionally we worked with stakeholders to identify which catchments could benefit from partnership working. 


The regional Level 1 view is below. If you would like to look at individual L3 water recycling catchments the please view “ODA – level 3”, if you’d like to view a more collated view of risk then please view “ODA – level 2” and select your required collation. 

ODA Maps