Boil notice

Location info: Staverton Road, The Stour, The Wye and part of Tweed Close in Daventry


You can now use your tap water as normal for drinking, cooking and everything else. We've been taking and testing water samples regularly since the damage to the water main, and the results have been good throughout, so we’re now happy for customers to use their water as normal without boiling it before use. 

While you've not been without water, we’re sorry you’ve had the extra inconvenience of having to boil it to use it for drinking, cooking and cleaning your teeth this week.

Thanks so much for your patience while we did all our extra checks across the water network in your area.


What happens next?  

We’ll put a card through the door of every property to let everyone know. But you don’t need to wait for that – from now on you can use your water as normal.

If you can help us spread the word on your street that everything’s now OK, we’d really appreciate it.