Flooding can be very stressful so it’s important you know who to contact to help get things sorted as quickly as possible. Who you need to contact will depend on the type of flooding. Below you’ll find lots of information to get you the help and advice you need.


For high or overflowing rivers: call the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60 for help and advice. You can also see a detailed view of the current flooding alerts on the Environment Agency’s dedicated flooding webpage.

Flood water from highways, run off from fields or issues with land drainage: Contact your local council – you can find their contact details here. Most flooding caused by rainwater will subside once the rain stops. If it’s causing a danger to life call 101 or 999.


Clearing up debris left over from the flooding: Speak to your local council to get help to clean up silt and mud left behind by receding rain or flood water. If there’s been any flooding from our sewers we’ll be out as soon as we can to clear up but only once we’ve helped customers who have flooding inside their homes or problems with their water supply. Thanks for bearing with us. 

A new water or sewerage issue: The quickest way to tell us about a problem is to do it online here - online issues are dealt with exactly the same as raising a problem over the phone. 

If you’re having trouble flushing your toilet after a lot of heavy rain, it’s likely that our sewer network is full of rain and groundwater and things won’t get any better until that excess water has a chance to flow away. We know it’s not nice but try not to flush as much as you can until we can get out to you. If heavy rainfall has caused problems across the area we might be having to prioritise customers whose homes are flooding internally or who have no water coming from their taps, and might not be able to get out to you as quickly as you’d like.

An existing water or sewerage issue: Use the link we sent you when you raised your issue to tell us more about it or tell us you no longer need us to visit. You can also call us on 03457 145 145 but we are having to prioritise issues, so please bear with us - we will get to you as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience.


We have included all the information you need before, during and after a flood.

Who to contact in a flood

Is the flooding coming from highway drains or major routes?
Is the flooding caused by a sewer?
Is the flooding from a blocked drain/manhole, rising up through the ground or causing excess water on a road?
Is the flood coming from a main river or sea?
Is the flooding from a small river, stream or ditch?
Flooding contact image

Who To Contact:

Contact National Highways


Further Information:

Report major road flooding here

Flooding contact image

Who To Contact:

Contact Anglian Water


Further Information:

Report an issue or call us 03457 145 145

Flooding contact image

Who To Contact:

Contact your lead local flooding authority.

*Normally your county council.


Further Information:

Details and links to all county councils can be found here

Flooding contact image

Who To Contact:

Contact the Environment Agency


Further Information:

Call 0345 988 1188 or 0800 80 70 60

Flooding contact image

Who To Contact:

Contact your local internal drainage board or lead local flooding authority

*Normally the county council.


Further Information:

Find your local internal drainage board

Details and links to all county councils can be found here