We work hard to provide great quality, affordable water to everyone in our region. And we’ve been proudly supplying water to Hartlepool since 1997.


Changes to charges ​​
Every year we review our water charges to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. And in February we publish our water services charges for the coming year, which then apply from 1 April till 31 March. ​

So, you can understand what these changes to our charges might mean for you, the table below shows the average increase to annual bills for customers on our Standard Tariff with a meter, including all fixed charges. ​


Typical Bills on our Standard Measured Tariff (Hartlepool Area)


​Using 145 litres a day is equivalent to taking a five-minute shower, running your washing machine or dishwasher, plus water for drinking, cooking and toilet flushing. All data shown in the table are estimations and include all fixed charges. If you want to see a more accurate assessment of your water usage, try our simple water usage calculator.


If your home’s metered, our charge is based on the volume of water used. If your home’s unmetered, our charge is based on a fixed charge.


Charges for 2024-2025

Standard charges

Unmetered charges


AquaCare Plus

Charges for 2023-2024

Unmetered standard

Measured standard


AquaCare Plus