Anglian Water’s business plan will deliver £9 billion of essential investment in the East of England. It was created in consultation with our customers, and it balances ambition and affordability.

It will create over 7,000 jobs and meet the unique challenges facing our fast-growing and climate-stressed region, helping the East of England to thrive and prosper. Importantly, 73% of customers surveyed support our proposals.


By 2030, we will have prepared two new reservoirs for construction, which will supply 625,000 properties across our region, and £476 million will be allocated to support new housing, plus the extension of our strategic pipeline will help ensure the region remains resilient to drought.  


We will support all customers at risk of water poverty including an industry-first medical needs discount. We will double our investment in the environment to £4 billion – with £1 billion specifically to tackle storm overflows, and create treatment wetlands the size of 100 football pitches. 


By 2030 average bills will rise by just 21p a day and we will have doubled our package of financial support for customers. 


Updates to our plan

There are ongoing discussions with Ofwat as they assess our plan before publishing their draft determination in June 2024. As a result, there have been updates to ANH03 Data tables and ANH37 Price Control Deliverables and these documents are published below. The impact these changes have on customer bills were published at the end of March 2024.


You can read about our plan below (a Guide to our Plan is available in document ANH01 our Plan 2025-2030 page 33)


Documents are arranged into the following groups

  • Headline documents
  • Our supporting documents (ANH26-29 set out the detail behind our enhancement expenditure)
  • Specialist documents
  • Technical documents


Latest information on our PR24 business plan

Since the submission of our PR24 business plan to Ofwat in October 2023, discussions have continued with Ofwat, the Environment Agency and Defra around the shape and scale of our plan.


Following these discussions, we have made an increase to our totex so that the total expenditure is now of £9,521.892 billion, an increase of £217 million . The average annual customer bill is now £573.06 by 2030, up from £571.34 in our October 2023 plan. Ofwat's draft determinations have been based on this updated expenditure and these bills.


The reason for the change to our total expenditure for PR24 and associated average annual customer bills are driven by:


  • The allocation of the AMP8 development costs for the Fens Reservoir and revised development costs for the South Lincolnshire Reservoir;
  • Ensuring we can deliver our plan by bringing the Colchester Re-use scheme in-house for delivery and;
    New Investigations to ensure resilient water supplies and protection of the environment requested by the Environment Agency.
  • Discussions remain ongoing and we expect there will be further revisions to the shape of our plan in summer 2024.


The calculation for the bill change quoted above is shown in this document here.